Your wiring harness system is one of the most important components in your automobile, without wires your automobile would not work. Yet most people do not even think about the wiring until something does not work, there is a short circuit, or worst of all the wiring catches on fire.
The problem with antique automobile wiring harness systems is the original wire construction. Back then the only flexible insulation material they had was rubber. Because they could not dye rubber in enough colors, they covered the rubber insulation with a cotton braid that could be colored and include trace colors. To protect the cotton braid it was coated with clear lacquer or a special varnish, both of which yellows with age.
The rubber insulation is the cause of two problems. 1) It will burn and continue burning even when the flame is removed. 2) The more common problem is rubber dry rots, it becomes hard, brittle, then crumbles or turns into powder. The dry rot is caused by age and temperature fluctuations. Most wiring systems fall apart first in the engine compartment because of the extreme temperatures, but eventually all the wires will fail and will have to be replaced.
This is where we can assist you. We specialize in custom manufacturing the finest authentic wiring harness system for your antique automobile. Our experts have a thorough knowledge of the methods and materials used in the original manufacturers electrical systems.
We know that you have invested a lot of time and money in your automobile (usually more than it’s resale value), so we are meticulous in the production and assembly of every harness system. Our complete harness system covers every electrical component in the car (except for spark plug wires and battery cables) and looks and performs like the original equipment. Each harness system is also covered by our limited warranty.
We use the finest materials available. Our wire is specially manufactured with a modern self-extinguishing PVC core insulation, covered by authentic cotton braiding and lacquer coating. The color code is exactly as indicated in the original electrical schematics. Wire ends are numbered with removable adhesive numbers that correspond to our data package. Terminals are crimped and soldered for the best mechanical and electrical connection. Neoprene rubber sleeves, as originally specified, are installed on the terminals. The wires are assembled into a harness utilizing an original factory harness as a reference. In this manner you are assured that every wire will be in its proper location for installation. We cover the completed harness with the proper materials for your automobile.
We try to make installation a simple mechanical process for even the amateur restorer, by supplying a detailed data package with each harness system.
The data package contains:
- A copy of our limited warranty.
- Show how to generally install a wiring system.
- An explanation of the color codes
- a detailed harness listing showing wire number, color code, and function
- Some include special component instructions and / or assembly diagrams for wire & conduit kits.
- A wiring schematic and any other information we have on your automobile from the National Service Manual (used for garage’s repair) is also included.
You will remove the old harness, transfer any needed components to the new harness, put in the new harness, and use the detailed harness listing to connect the wires.
We feel that our job is not done until you have the wiring harness system successfully installed in your automobile. Our experts will help you by answering any questions you may have when you are installing your wiring harness system.
We realize that there are varying degrees of restoration involvement. For those who would prefer to fabricate their own harness as well as install it, we offer a complete line of authentic braided wire and harness materials. A braiding (covering) service is also available for your completed harness.
Our reputation has been built on our quality hand crafted wiring harness systems and the prize winning automobiles to which they contributed. We would be honored to have the opportunity to assist you with your restoration.
One final note – we do not stock any wiring harness systems but make each one upon receipt of the order. Please allow adequate time when placing your order. We work on a first ordered, first served basis. Due to the huge demand for our wiring harness systems, our production backlog can run up to 4 months, depending on the time of year.
Thank you, Paul Little, President
Note: Save your old wiring until the new system is installed and tested. Every year has unique light sockets and / or fittings which must be reused. **All prices subject to change without prior notification. **